Studio Classes at GoYoga Grandview

Grandview, Ohio

Classes are held in-studio and require a class pass that can be purchased by clicking the link below to take you to the studio’s class package purchase page

Woman Relaxing in Yoga Mat

Relax and Restore
Monday 6:30-7:20 pm
Wednesday 6:30-7:20 pm

This 50 minute class for all levels is designed to help relieve physical and mental stress, take time to relax and find a great sense of peace and calm.

Relax & Restore classes are an absolute treat. They are based upon Restorative Yoga and rely heavily on props to support the body so you can truly relax, release and fully let go.

You’ll also be guided through breath work and/or mediation techniques to help focus and calm the mind. This is a wonderfully gentle class that’s perfect for slowing down during those busy times in life and also when a physical concern necessitates that you take it easy.
Intensity: low.

Woman Practicing Yoga

Deep Stretch
Thursday 7:00-7:50 pm

A 50 minute class where we slow down, relieve tension, improve range of motion, mobility & flexibility plus find peace of mind.
Based upon the Yin Yoga practice, a Deep Stretch class contains a series of seated and reclined postures, each held 3-5 minutes. The longer holds allow time to work deeper into the body – targeting the connective tissues, ligaments, joints and bones.
You’ll also explore the potent combination of breath + mindfulness as you stretch and work on freeing up physical and mental tension. Intensity: moderate.

*also available on Zoom

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Viktor Frankl

Studio Classes at Rise Yoga Ohio

Grove City, Ohio

Classes are held in-studio and require a class pass that can be purchased by clicking the link below to take you to the studio’s class package purchase page

Women Doing Yoga

Wednesday Mindfulness (12-12:45 pm EST)

This 45 minute class for all levels starts with easy, grounding poses then transitions into a deep, guided meditation to relax, restore, and refresh your body and mind for the rest of the day (and week!)

*also available on Zoom

mala beads, yoga, relaxation

Sunday Restore (4-5 pm EST)

Twice a month, this beginner-friendly, one hour class invites students to release body and mind. Through gentle movement, breath, meditation, and yoga nidra scripts, you’ll sink into deep, releasing rest.

*also available on Zoom

Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self

The Bhagavad Vita